Tuesday 27 April 2010

A Little Progress

Good morning ladies. Thank you for all your latest wishes for Fiona's health to improve. I am pleased to tell you that the latest scan revealed that the blood clot has been dissolved and so that is one less thing to worry about. She still on the antibiotics but the doctors are reassessing the regime she is on. The pneumonia is much about the same and she is in good spirits. Her heel and ankle are improving. Your messages have cheered her up and we are hopeful that she will be home before the weekend.
Thank you all again for your good wishes.


  1. Oh that is good news ! I bet you are both a little relieved. I am so pleased the clot has dissolved.. one less worry.
    Still keeping everything crossed and hoping the pneumonia clears soon and the ankle continues to improve.
    Thinking of you both
    Lisa ;)

  2. Oh that's wonderful news William. that clot was very scary indeed. Please send Fiona my very best wishes. thank you again for keeping us all informed on Fiona's condition. Hugs xo Jackie

  3. that's super news William, thankyou for keeping us all up to date
    will hopefully make it to the PO to post her card tomorrow

  4. Oh I am pleased to hear the clot has dissolved! I have to say I was quite worried ... but very glad that Fiona's condition continues to improve. Here's hoping & praying she'll be able to come home by the weekend! Thanks for your continued updates William - they are very much appreciated!
    Hugs, Danielle

  5. I am so glad there is a small improvement.
    I look forward to more positive news tomorrow.
    My thoughts are with you both.

  6. That is good news and I wish Fiona a speedy recovery
    louise xx

  7. William I'm so happy to hear Fhiona is slowly making progress, what good news yesterday!! I hope there will be more today when you vist,
    Angela x

  8. Thank you for keeping us updated and I'm so pleased that things are now improving. Please send Fiona my very best wishes and hopefully she'll be able to come home very soon.

  9. So glad the clot has dissolved, one less thing for you to worry about. You must be so tired William, with the stress and everything. Please take care of yourself too, Fiona will need you if she comes home by the weekend. Give her my love.
    Tracy x

  10. What a relief that the clot has been dissolved and Fiona's heel and ankle are improving. Hopefully the pneumonia will start to clear up soon too.

    Kat x

  11. I am so happy to hear that Fiona is improving some and that the clot has dissolved. I pray the pneumonia will clear up soon as well so she can return home. Sending her my love!

  12. Hi Fiona and William, wonderful news about your blood clot dissolving Fiona, and I have you in my thoughts and prayers that you will be quite well by the weekend to come home.I can probably understand completely, your feeling of loneliness and isolation in Hospital after all that time.I was in quite a bit last year..4 weeks in total with Gall bladder..you might remember.Anyhow, I really hope you are able to come home to your bed and HUbby and all you love, which in turn will make your heart happy...Take care and the next time I drop in..I hope it is a message from you...XO Melissa C..Australia

  13. WooHoo, great news! Can't wait 'til you're home again! (Bet that goes double for you!) Big hugs! xxD

  14. so pleased you have some good news. fingers crossed for her being home for the weekend.
    Hugs Linbyx

  15. Oh that is wonderful news William, I am sure you are both relieved to get a little good news for a change. Please give my apologies to Fiona, I have not meant to neglect her with my wishes but I have had my youngest son in hospital having his appendix removed but hopefully normal service is about to resume.
    My best wishes to you both and I really do hope Fiona will be home soon.
    Kim xXx


Hi, Thank you for visiting my little blog. I really appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment. They are all so helpful,
Fiona x