Saturday 27 November 2010

Mojo Monday #166

Hi girls. Thank you for warming up my day with your visit to mt blog. It's an absolute freeze here these days and although we have only had the slightest of snowfalls during the week it arrived with a vengence late Friday night. I hope that while your here you find something that brings a little smile to your eyes and might even inspire you in your own cardmaking.
I was at the doctor today again and he is quite pleased with my progress and I must admit that I am able to do just a wee bit more than I was. I've got another course of antibiotics to clear up any infection caused by the catheter. Thank you all for your kind wishes.
I made this card for the latest Mojo Monday challenge and followed the sketch they gave. The image is a Sarah Kay image I have had for a while but have never used before and I coloured her with my Copics. I used some patterned card from my stash Basic Grey paper called "Dasher". The poinsettia is made using a Marianne Creatable that I borrowed from my friend Kathleen from The Daisy Chain. (Why not give her a visit - I promise you won't be disappointed with what you find there). I made the central Yellow bracts from yellow card I had and everything else is from my stash.
I hope you like this card and would love to know what you think of it because I am feel that there may be something missing. Perhaps you could find a minute to leave a comment. I love reading what you have to say. Your making the effort would be much appreciated.
Thanks again for your visit. I hope you have a great weekend and above all stay safe and healthy.
Love and Hugs,


  1. Hi Fiona , lovely card I don't think there's anything missing at all. I love the image and the fab papers. The Poinsettia is just gorgeous. I'm so glad you're feeling a lot better. Looks like my Mum will be in hospital for a few weeks yet they are trying to get her mobile and assessing her before sending her home. She seems much better medically but not bouncing back as she has done in the past.It may take a while.
    Hugs Vee x

  2. Hi Fiona,
    I'm back again, I was so over tired this week that I must lay in bed and I can't cardmaking and visit you , I miss it, but now I'm feeling a little bit better now.
    Yourcard is wonderful I love the colors and the stamp... so sweet
    hugs Lia

  3. This is a fantastic christmascard Fiona!! I love the flower you used!!
    Hugs Nicolet

  4. Again, pretty crafting ! lovely card,
    greetings, martina

  5. what great news Fiona - so glad the doc was pleased for you.Lovely little card - love the poinsettia and the sweet little image
    Lisa ;)

  6. beautiful festive card and that flower looks great must dig mine out. janex

  7. too cute! Love the colours and the rick rack ribbon! Hugs Juls

  8. Beautiful card Fiona, I don't think there's anything missing! A gorgeous SK image and beautiful colours too!

  9. Hi ya hun
    fabulous card, lovely image & colouring, gorgeous papers & embelies, hi William, sue,x

  10. So beautiful card Fiona,I love the image and the colours.
    So gorgeous papers.

    Hugs Riet.x

  11. So glad things are on the up for you Fiona, great creation, very festive and love the poinsettia and image too.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  12. Another beautiful card the SK image and the papers are just perfect!

    Take care
    San x

  13. It just gorgeous, nice traditional colours and your flower has embossed amazingly. Mine never seems to emboss as well as I'd like. Hope the antibiotics clear this up.

  14. Wow Fiona this is gorgeous. I love the colors and the design. I know that it seems like I vanished off the face of the earth, but I have started a new job that takes every minute of my time. When I get home I am so exhausted that I just fall asleep. I need to find a balance so I can get things done. Sorry I've been missing your posts lately but your cards are stunning and I haven't had a chance to post on them all. Just love the one with the green and purple papers.
    Hugs xx

  15. Glad you are feeling better, loving the creations lately, such a variation and this one is adorable.

    Sending hugs


  16. Great card & papers xx
    I like the flowers, really effective x

  17. thats brilliant news Fiona, it wont be long until your fighting fit girl...oh no I forgot to use the MM sketch oops you used it perfectly...gorgeous card
    Mina xxx

  18. What a sweet card. I see nothing missing myself! Like that paper you have used.
    So pleased the Dr is seeing an improvement in your health. Remember onwards and upwards but in small doses LOL!

  19. I love SK images and this one is very pretty. I love the colours and she helps to make a beautiful card.

  20. So cute, Fiona! Love the plaid and the glitter rick rack and that poinsettia is to die for! xxD

  21. Oh how festive and beautiful Fiona!! I love your coloring of the image and the plaid and rick rack!!


Hi, Thank you for visiting my little blog. I really appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment. They are all so helpful,
Fiona x